Thursday, February 2, 2012

Movies to Watch: Part 2

Friends With Kids (USA: 09/03)

This looks like a rom-com with a difference. The cast is made up of a lot of the Bridesmaids crew, with Chris O’Dowd sporting an American accent. It also stars the writer Jennifer Westfeldt as part of the main couple with Adam Scott. The premise is that two friends both want kids but realise that they may never get to have if they keep looking for the right partner. So they decide to have a child together but not a relationship. Everything seems to be going fine until they start dating other people. I can only guess that they are going to end up together but the path there looks unique and fun for us to watch.

Detachment (USA: 16/03)

It has Adrien Brody in it, which is the only reason I need but there are some other factors. It’s a movie about teachers, which as a possible career choice for me, I find interesting. It is also about connections and how they are made and why they are made with specific people. This is a movie that appeals to me as it deals with all the sort of things I like but I’m not sure it is something everyone will enjoy.

Jeff Who Lives at Home (USA: 16/03)

As so often happens, it is the cast that draws me into the movie but the actual plot that really gets me interested. It looks slightly wacky but that’s what I love. It’s another movie that looks at relationships but this time it’s the relationship between families. The other story is that of Destiny and the idea that everything happens for a reason. I love this sort of movie and I have been waiting almost two years for this to come out and with no South African release date set I may have to wait a little longer.

21 Jump Street (USA: 16/03)

A remake of the TV series that put Johnny Depp in the spot light, with a possible cameo from him, I’m definitely going to see this. It stars Jonah Hill and Channing Tatum, not the only time he is appearing on this list. The trailer is quite funny but these days you have to be very careful with that as sometimes all the best bits are in the trailer. However I think it looks like a good bit of fun that most of us can enjoy.

Jack the Giant Killer (USA: 22/03)

Modern twists on fairytales are very much the in thing right now, almost as popular as comic book adaptations. This is the modern take on Jack and the Beanstalk. As so often happens in these remakes it is a lot darker than the original. This time adding a damsel in distress, the princess that Jack (Nicholas Hoult) needs to rescue. As it’s a fairytale that I haven’t seen adapted before I’m very keen to see how they do it.

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