Monday, January 30, 2012

2012 Movies to watch: Part 1

There are so many movies coming out this year that I’m excited about. Some I have been following the production on for ages and some I’ve only just found out about. I really want everyone to see them and so I’ve decided to go through a few of my favourites and why they appeal to me. I’ve decided to leave off the Oscar nominated ones as I feel they have enough hype attached to them already. I’ve attempted to order them in order of release date but unfortunately not all have be scheduled for release in South Africa yet and so I then turn to the US or another international release date. Where possible I will provide a link to the trailer so that you are able to find out a bit more.

We Need To Talk About Kevin (out)

The trailer doesn’t tell you much about the movie but there isn’t really much more to know than the basic synopsis of the movie. Tilda Swinton plays the mother to Ezra Miller’s Kevin who mass murders his classmates. This film is all about her dealing with her grief and guilt over her possible input. Aside from the chilling premise of the film I am immediately drawn to this film by the mere presence of Swinton, who has been receiving great praise for this role. This is quite a serious film and may take me a bit longer to get around to seeing as you do have to be in the right state of mind.

Martha Marcy May Marlene (out)

Widely promoted as the introduction of another, better, Olsen sister this film appears to hold much more than just that. Elizabeth Olsen plays the title character a young woman who has recently escaped from a cult and moved back in with her older sister. We see both what she went through in the cult and how she is dealing with it now. Again quite a dark film but very interesting to see how the human psyche copes in the face of fear that has already scored 5 stars under quite a few reviews. What I really want to know is who Marlene is?

Underworld: Awakening (out)

Although the fourth Underworld film to be made it is considered the third of the Selene trilogy. Kate Beckinsale is back and this time the humans know about vampires. I like to think this is not just another vampire movie, as the original came out almost 10 years ago, I only hope that it proves me wrong. As well as the human element there is also the introduction of Eve, Selene and Michael’s hybrid child. This means that as well as saving her kind, Selene will now have someone else to protect. I’m very interested to see what they do with the story line and how it plays out in the end.

Safe House (SA: 10/02)

It was filmed in and is set in Cape Town, do I really need a better reason to see it. Ok then well add the cast of Denzel Washington, Ryan Reynolds, Vera Farmiga and Brendon Gleeson. I think even if I didn’t have a basic idea of the story line from the trailer I would want to see it. I have seen the trailer though and so I really want to watch it.

Wanderlust (24/02)

This is probably one of my least anticipated movies on this list but I want to see it as it looks like a cute story and it has Paul Rudd. There’s something about him where it doesn’t matter how shitty the movie is his character is always enjoyable. There are some parts which could be a bit off the wall or reaching but overall maybe that’ll be what makes it a bit different from your typical run of the mill rom-com.

European Experience: Part 3

By this time we were used to the early mornings but they would never stop hurting. Another breakfast, another rush to get bags to the bus and scrambling for the seat that you had deemed the most comfortable. This morning was a little bit different for although we were yet again moving on to a new city this time we were going into a new country too, Italy.
Definitely my favourite country in the tour there was just so much about it to enjoy and to me it finally felt like I was in a foreign country. Driving along the coast from France into Italy a lot of the beaches looked like driving through Camps Bay except the buildings were very different. They were beautiful, historical and there were some magnificent churches. As we got further in land I was struck by the roads and bridges they were really amazing and way beyond what you see here in South Africa. As we went across the border we had our first taste of the difference we were to experience. Nothing major, but the convenience stores at the petrol stations worked a little bit differently than we were used to, this was our first indicator that we were in a new country.
Our first stop in Italy, but not our first stay over, was Pisa. Felt a bit at home as there were Nigerians everywhere selling counterfeit goods and we were warned not to buy anything as it was illegal. Every now and then you would here a commotion and see some of these guys running through the crowd with all their goods in a blanket after being warned that the cops were on the way. Pisa is just filled with tourists taking photos, most of them trying to find clever ways to pose with the tower, so sure that they are the first one to pose in that specific way. Of course no one pays attention not to go on the grass as that is the best place to get a photo from.

This time the four South African girls: Shannon; GenĂ©; Baaqira and myself, had decided to stay in a room together. Once we arrived in Florence we had one of the quickest changes so far on tour before we went to dinner. Add to that the fact that we weren’t allowed to use hairdryers or straighteners in the rooms and the girls weren’t very happy. Dinner was at the spar type shop on the campsite which had tables outside. Luckily this shop also sold alcohol and cheaply at that, so the drinking started early that night.
We left on the bus to hit a karaoke bar in the city that night. It was at this point that I informed the entire bus that when my mom had done this trip 30 years ago they had drunk “Zombies” in Florence and we should all have them here for traditions sake. I was not very popular the next morning as the drink gets its name from how you feel the next morning. The karaoke worked in a very strange way and so a few of us elected to get the bus back to camp when it left at about 10. This was my first experience of the party bus. The music was pumping and everyone was dancing in the isle. There were even a few attempts at planking across the chairs.
As it turned out it was karaoke night back at the campsite which ended up in a long night of sing a longs. Old school songs were played, tables were danced on and in the back of my mind I allowed myself to feel like I was in an episode of Glee. As the night got later we got a bit wilder. It was quite hot and so we attempted to sleep on our mattresses outside which resulted with a small game of hide and seek with the campsite security. Eventually we all got to sleep but our punishment was how we felt the next morning.

I woke up with no voice and the first indication that I was falling prey to the dreaded contiki cough. Italy was hot and I’m not talking a few beads of sweat and the need to sit in a pool all day. I mean trying to adjust your clothes to cover as little of your body as possible while still trying to maintain some form of decency. If we could sit down, and find any amount of shade, we did.

We were taken on a walking tour of the city which as was a wonderful way to find things out and see the city. Unfortunately it didn’t matter how interested we may have normally been the heat made us desperate for it to end so we could just find somewhere shady to eat. After lunch we had free time to roam the city and I’m ashamed to say that instead of walking around the beautiful old streets and stunning churches, I went shopping. If you ever get separated from your tour group just head to the closest H&M and listen for the coughing. After a few hours of air-conditioned shop-hopping it was time to head back to the bus.
Never have I enjoyed a dip in the pool so much despite the ridiculous rules, shower before you get in and were a cap. I get hygiene reasons but really that’s a bit extreme, although it really was the only real downfall about the campsite. Finally we actually had a bit of time to get ready for one of our really big party nights. We were going to the Space Electronic Disco, where the Jersey Shore crew had partied only a few months before, this was a very big deal to some of the tour group. It’s at this point that I must warn you that I acted very unlike my usual self. There was a certain completion happening at the club that night and a group of 8 of us from our group decided to enter. Somehow the extra 2 girls got into the final 3 but luckily our girl one. All she got was a bottle of sparkling wine but we can all say we’ve done it and had the experience. That night ended very late and so a taxi home it was where we made good friends with the driver. Unfortunately our clothes were wet and so it took a while to get past the language barrier to explain that was the reason the seat was wet.

Florence was amazing and we had already eaten so much pizza and pasta but that was only the beginning of our Italian adventure. Next stop Rome and if we were hot in Florence we were in for a big surprise. Unfortunately it also meant we were leaving behind our favourite bus driver Muffin for a few days break while another driver took over. Heading into roman traffic this had us all a bit nervous and amazed at how people could drive like that.
Before we even went to our campsite we went to do our tour of the Vatican City. Probably one of my most amazing experiences ever to walk around such a beautiful and spiritual place. Far better than any other gallery or museum I could imagine. Although the feeling of being herded through the corridors like cattle was a bit distracting.

It was packed, everywhere you turned there was another tourist taking another photo. Even in the Sistene Chapel as there were so many people it became impossible for them to police people from talking or taking photos. Even our guide said she had never seen it so full. I did feel like it was a little rushed and squashed into the schedule but I couldn’t actually bear spending any more time in such a crowded environment. Our tour leader, he was not allowed to be a guide in Rome as it is against the law to do so there without a licence, showed as a few good places to eat and then we walked down to the Pantheon. I do hate to admit it but whenever we went to any of these places I was thinking about how they fit into the Da Vinci code. Our final stop before we went to the campsite was the pharmacy. The late nights of heavy drinking, paired with early wake up times and long hours spent on an air-conditioned bus was taking a toll on us. It could only be remedied by vast amounts of cough mixture.
We got to the campsite quite late and were treated to free wifi. This resulted in a large amount of us sitting around the table outside the shop with our eyes fixed on our cellphones. Due to the heavy nights of partying in Florence the girls I was rooming with: Kit; Fliss and Hiranya, and I decided to have a chilled night and go to bed early. I think this was a great advantage to dealing with our next full day of walking around the city.

We all had our ideas of where we wanted to go but having been to the Vatican the previous day our next most important stop was The Colosseum. We had been given a tip the previous day that in order to skip the queues there we should buy our ticket at The Roman Forum and that ticket would work at The Colosseum too. The Roman Forum is now just ruins but it was once the city centre where all the market activities took place. We walked around for a bit, pulling special poses for photos and getting told off for climbing on the ruins, but there wasn’t too much to do so we decided to move on. Seeing The Colosseum in movies will never quite explain how truly magnificent it is. It’s broken down in places and old but there’s something about it that makes it possible to imagine all the emotions that people must have felt there when it was still in use. However with only a day to try explore the whole of Rome we couldn’t afford to hang around for long.

We were advised the previous day that if you want to avoid paying typical tourist prices for food then you should walk just a few streets back from the main tourist attraction. This proved very useful when finding lunch for that day, where again we tucked into some delicious pizza and pasta. At this stage we split up to try find our various destination. The day before we had walked past a small market place and wanted to try find it again. We walked around for a few hours stopping to sit in the shade, eat some gelati or drink our frozen water, it was the most amazing thing. Eventually we found it and all did a little bit of shopping. There were a few of us who were determined to go to the Trevi Fountain but it was quite far from where we were and so decided to use the underground. What we didn’t realise is that the stops were not as frequent as London or Paris and so we had to walk quite far to get there. I’m glad we did as I really enjoyed going to the fountain and here’s hoping the coins I threw in will bring me back.

It was now time to find the underground again and head back to the campsite for that night’s party. The theme was “I ♥ Roma.” During the day we had all bought those T-shirts in the city and that night we had markers provided and everyone wrote messages to each other on their shirts. As the night went on and more alcohol was consumed the dirtier the messages got. To me this was one of the really fun bonding party nights of the tour.

I don’t know what time we got to bed but I’m sure it was very late. When we woke up the next morning there was definite evidence that cyclone contiki had hit. One of the bins had been turned upside down, with the rubbish poured out and a tree had been pulled out of the ground. Needless to say the Roman campsite was glad to see the last of us.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Oscar Nominations

Every year around awards season I get overly excited for something I will most likely never be involved in and yet it is truly my favourite way to start the year off with a bang. Slowly more nominations are announced and some awards are given until the biggest nomination announcement of The Academy Awards, more commonly known as the Oscars.

Based on other awards nominations and awards already given there are certain nominations that are expected to be given and although I haven’t seen many of the nominated movies, I did have a few personal opinions on what should have been nominated.
This year there was a new voting system which meant that the best picture nominees could have been anywhere from 5-10 with an eventual outcome of nine nominees. As it turns out the exact same nine as were nominated for the Critic’s choice award best picture, except they had ten nominees. The tenth film was Drive which I have seen and really feel it should have been included in the Oscars list.

To me this was the first glaring omission, commonly known as an Oscar snub. In terms of the films that were nominated they were all rather predictable except maybe the Tree of Life, but I haven’t seen it so can’t really make any judgement yet. The only ones I have seen are The Help and Midnight In Paris and I felt there nominations were very deserved.

For the acting awards the biggest shock may be that of Melissa McCarthy’s best Supporting actress nomination for Bridesmaids as comedies are not usually considered by the academy. Saying that I am not altogether sure it was deserved. I loved the movie but of all the comedic acting I’ve seen I really don’t think this would have been my choice. Carey Mulligan for Shame or Shailene Woodley for The Descendents were expected to be nominated and maybe one of them would have been a better choice.

There is much talk of Leonardo Dicaprio for J.Edgar, Michael Fassbender for Shame and Ryan Gosling for Drive/ Ides of March all being snubbed for the inclusion of Demian Bicher for A Better Life and Gary Oldman for Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy. Although I haven’t seen any of the movies I am so excited about Gary Oldman’s nomination as I really think this has been a long time coming. To me the biggest disappointment is the notable absence of Peter Serkis. Although his face is not always captured he is one of the best motion capture actors and this medium is being used increasingly in film making. It is much more than simply lending your voice to animation but the body and face’s entire movement, making it possible to give the character so much more emotion. It may be that Rise of the Planet of the Apes was not the right vehicle for the nomination but hopefully in the coming year he will finally get nominated for Gollum who will be re-appearing in the two new Hobbit films.

The Directors and screenplay awards I don’t feel I have a good enough knowledge to have to much of an opinion on the matter. Again, in terms of the buzz around the nominees, Terence Malick for The Tree of Life was a bit unexpected. Personally I would have loved to see Woody Allen get the director nomination for Midnight in Paris but I am very happy with one for best original screenplay.
The speciality films are quite an interesting topic with regards to the nominations that were announced. In terms of animated features there was the biggest surprise in the lack of a nomination for The Adventures of Tintin. This adds further fuel to the fire as to what motion capture films should be classified as.

When it comes to movie soundtracks I’ve always felt that the decision to only award original music was very short sighted as many movies are improved in the way they put together and use unoriginal music. Some of my favourite soundtracks are from Garden State and Baz Luhrman’s Romeo and Juliet.

This year my favourite soundtrack was Drive. Here it got it’s one and only Oscar nomination for Best Achievement in Sound Editing. Although doubtful that Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross would win again, I was very surprised to see that they were not nominated for best original Score for The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo.

My Final Problem that I have with the nominations is that of Best Original Song. Two Nominations, really? Out of all the original songs to choose form they could only find two? Very disappointed and I really think the Academy needs to up there game here.
Overall, despite the supposed shocks and snubs I think the winners will be fairly predictable. I will however hold out on my predictions until close to the awards.