Monday, July 19, 2010

My Holiday Through Updates

So this has taken me a while to type up but I knew I would eventually get around to it. The initial idea of trying to write a blog about my holiday repulsed me because frankly nobody really cares and it would take to much effort. However once my trip had started and I found myself unable to constantly update my facebook and twitter pages with quirky silly comments I needed to find a new outlet for myself. So whenever I had these thoughts which I would usually put in a status update I jotted them down in my notebook, yes I am one of those people who walk around with moleskin notebook writing down random thoughts and lists, lots of lists. This list of thoughts was called "My Holiday Through Updates" and that is what you are reading here. It is no effort for me, well a little, but not the thinking kind, and you can skim read and only laugh at what you take in, so all problems solved :)

Little Kids on planes are a killer, especially the bratty, ill disciplined ones.
Never let parents navigate, ever! They don't know their right from left.
Always get the map before you go, do not leave it to technology.
Over 24 hours without handheld internet access, I keep picking up my phone until I realise it's useless.
My hands smell like a brewery, I want a shower, to wash my hair and brush my teeth.
Sleep, what I would do for some, the rings under my eyes make me look like a druggie.
I'm so excited I can't cope.
Finally understand what they are always going on about on TopGear. A lot of roadworks, not so many workers.
My brother is the sweetest, breakfast in bed.
I'm finally living the dreams I had from all the books I read about English boarding schools.
I should have brought the hairdryer.
Took a "stroll" up a "hill" and got shocked half to death by an unmarked electric fence and scared half to death by a gaggle of attacking geese.
Watched football in the local pub of a tiny coastal village in Dorset. Feel like I'm in a British comedy about the quirky inhabitants who all know each other and hang out at the pub all day. They even have a midget.
Biggest difference between Uk and SA, there is no such thing as "1ply" toilet paper here, not even in the scruffiest McDonalds bathroom.
Sometimes I think we rely on the technology too much, my parents keep saying that having this GPS has been a lifesaver but all we needed was some common sense and the ability to read maps and road signs. All the GPS has brought us is claustrophobia inducing roads and almost running out of petrol.
You know you've taken a wrong turn when all the GPS can tell you is to make a Uturn.
I'm so glad I'm in the UK when Glasto is on and I can watch it on the TV. It's not the same as live but Muse still blows my mind.
So the Underground isn't always underground.
Yay, no longer scared of public transport, may have to revise this statement in SA.
Seriously, I can't even escape crying, sick babies on a Train.
Clare & Paris & summer & open topped bus = burnt.
How is it possible to get a foot tan but my legs are still pasty white.
It's over 30 degrees in Paris but feels hotter than any +40 I've felt in CT.
Feet=Pain, Back=Agony, Body=Tired, Legs=Aching, Mind=Blown.
Why is Karl Lagerfeld promoting coke?
The Gods of Travel don't want me to have kids, I am plagued by annoying, crying, ill disciplined children.
London is unbelievable but CT will always be my home.
No matter how many times I come to Dubai I always forget how hot it is. +30 degrees at 3 in the morning.
Being one of "those" people sleeping in the airport inbetween flights is definately and experiance.


Saturday, May 29, 2010

Why I fail at blogs

So I think of things to write a blog on all the time, in fact I come up with a fully formed blog entry to go with them. The problem is that my computer is a retard and takes forever to turn on so my process is a bit stunted. I will demonstrate.

Clare sits down and pushes the start button. As the startup screen shows and the slow hum gets annoyingly louder an idea forms for an amazing blog which will blow peoples minds, such as my awesome trip to Europe, I promise I will write this eventually. As a rough draft starts to formulate the log in screen as frozen and a few expletives are uttered. Eventually things start running and by now the blog is in perfect form in Clare's mind waiting to be typed. For this to be done a comfortable typing position must be attained, this movement then tricks the the computer into thinking it is no longer plugged in and so the worn out battery fails and the once great blog idea is lost to all the thoughts of all the horrible ways said computer can be destroyed.

Although this might not be so bad and you may say, "well if you already have the idea why not just turn it back on again and then type up the blog." This would work if it weren't for another problem. ADD. By the time this process has taken place I have lost all interest in the previous topic and now can barely get out a short entry at while I fail at blogs.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Cry Baby

So I'm not what I'd call a person who cries easily, I'm not the ice queen but when it comes to real life I'm not going to cry when I break a nail. I do admit I broke down when I left my lights on and ran my car battery flat for the I don't know how many-ith time, yes that is a word. I blame it on stress and my extreme aversion to being late, which I was.

Now the reason I bring this up is because although I don't cry at the drop of a hat in real life, put me in some fictional world and I blubber like a baby and find myself struggling for breath. When I was a kid this was reserved for whenever anything happened to animals. In Airbud, when the kid threw the ball to get the dog to run away, I was crying so badly I had to be escorted from the cinema. I cry in books too, even when I've read them before I still cry in them.

This is even worse with movies. I was watching A Walk To Remember the other day again and after about half an hour I started crying because I knew how sad it was going to get. I now do this every week with Grey's Anatomy. In South Africa we only get the episodes about two months later then in America, but I have my ways of watching it then. Of course I then watch it again when it comes on our screens here but I honestly don't know if I can put myself through it with that finale.

I cried the whole way through, real gut-wrenching sobs, in fact i still have a few tears in my eyes now. The problem is that it was the finale and now I have to wait another 4 months to start watching again. To make matters worse all the shows are finishing within the next week. Last week I went through the heartbreak that was Vampire Diaries and Supernatural. I thought those were bad, until I spent today wading through the sad-fest that was Gossip Girl, House, 90210 and Grey's Anatomy. I don't know how I am not dehydrated by now. Why is it that they are all so sad. I remember last years Gossip Girl ended with Blair and Chuck getting together and that was so happy and exciting and I couldn't wait for the new season to start so that I could see them be happy again, but now... Well I still can't wait for the next season, but for more depressing reasons.

All I have left is Big Bang Theory, How I Met Your Mother and Chuck for next week and then a couple more weeks of Glee after that. Then what I am I going to do. Oh right, I have True Blood, three months of a hot, sexy, Swedish, semi-naked vampire... oh and three weeks in the UK, wheee!!

BTW, if this has left you with the impression that I'm a mild TV addict, don't be fooled... I am completely obsessed!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Clash of the Titans

I take it all back, sort of. If they make more mythology movies as enjoyable as Clash of the Titans, then maybe I will see them all. Who am I kidding, I'd see them all even if they were made by monkeys. But really CotT was cool. It wasn't amazing on any film making standard but it gave you what you expected.

The action scenes were fun, jumping, kicking, fighting, all the fast movement you expect from an old fashioned "war" movie. At times it did get a bit fast and you weren't quite sure what you were looking at but I find that to be quite a common trap in movies such as this. Another problem is at times it can feel like everything is happening all at once, they just fight monster after monster. It could easily have gone on a bit longer, with maybe a longer fight scenes or a big final showdown between Hades and Zeus.There could also be a few fillers but that may have detracted from the actual story. They tried this a bit with a few bits of humour, sometimes this worked but the majority of the time it just fell flat.

The major high point of this film was the casting of Liam Neeson, Ralph Fiennes and Mads Mikkelson. These three actors always bring something special to their roles and this was no exception. I really can't picture a better Hades. Sam Worthington is still growing as an actor, but I very much enjoyed the sarcastic and dry wit he had in the role. I won't say I didn't like Gemma Arterton, I just really didn't like her character. I get the whole ageless/eternal beauty thing but why does that mean you can't get dirty, you're fighting giant scorpions in a dessert, seriously!

The relationship between her and Perseus was interesting up until a point. I was enjoying the unknown, which left you guessing, because ultimately this is not a romance movie. Obviously the powers that be decided that they needed to give something to the girlfriends that were dragged along so the boat and final scene were added, but it just made it seem very cheesy.

The one thing this movie taught me is that I don't know nearly as much mythology as I'd like to think. Now is the time to dig out those books because if Immortals is going to be anywhere near as awesome as this I want to be prepared!!

Wednesday, March 31, 2010


So throughout the history of the entertainment business there have always been trends. In music for example we had boy bands and then pop princesses, although all types are around so music does tend to be one of the most diverse forms of media.

T.V. is terrible with trends because the minute you get the one type of show everyone tries the same thing. When I grew up everyone was trying the Will&Grace and Frasier thing. Then there were a lot of law shows and crime shows, a lot of which are still going. I always find it amusing when one show does really well, so another show tries to copy the formula and then fails eg. Sex and the City - Lipstick Jungle/ Cashmere Mafia, How I Met Your Mother - Roommates. There are a few trends which do stick, the medicine thing for example is doing very well. Then there's also the whole teenagers who have too much money and act way more advance then they are. Now I'm not knocking these, I pretty much watch all of them, I just wish there was something a bit more original, I will acknowledge Lost and Supernatural here.

Of course the biggest trend, which expands to movie, is vampires. Now I'm not complaining about this, I LOVE vampires, but that's the problem. I've loved Vampires since I started watching proper TV, but I hate the fact that when someone finds this out, they immediately assume I'm some annoying, screaming, Twihard(I don't scream). It used to be this special private obsession and now it's been commercialised, kind of like when you have a favourite song which you keep telling people about but they look at you weirdly. Then all of a sudden it's on the radio and everyone loves it. It feels like they're steeling it from you. Now I've come to terms with this Vampire thing, I can't go back and change things, and frankly I quite like getting my weekly dose of hot evil Vampires.

I am however worried about the new movie trend on the horizon, Ancient Greeks. If possible I have been more obsessed with Greek and Roman mythology than vampires and it looks as though it shall soon be stolen from me too. Recently a movie came out called Percy Jackson and the Olympians, I have not yet seen it, although I do plan to despite the dismal reviews. This was a teenage movie which means the fangirl age has already been targeted, first worry. Due for release soon is Clash of the Titans. While this is a remake, so it's not a new mythology addition, it has had an extensive ad campaign. It also has quite a full cast and relatively high profile too. Now I'm super excited for this and wasn't quite worried yet. A new discovery however has led me to fear for my little private obsession. There is another movie due out near the end of the year. It is called Dawn of War/ War of the Gods. Usually I would already have tried to book my ticket, it has Henry Cavill(The Tudors), *drool*. Then I looked at the rest of the cast and a tear formed in my eye. The other main character, and first credit, is Kellan Lutz *cue screaming twihards*. My only hope is that both these films fail dismally, as has already been suggested may happen, and my private obsessions will be left to me. It really does kill me to say this but if this is stolen from me, what will go next... Paulo Coelho, oh wait that's already started too *cries softly to self*!

Monday, February 1, 2010


Registration has got to be the biggest nightmare in the entire world. It takes three hours to stand in three different queues for two people to sign the same piece of paper and then someone to plug the information into the computer. Sometimes I really wish I had gone to Stellenbosch if not just for the better admin. I'm just waiting for someone to screwed it up, that will just make my day!
The main problem though is the complete inferiority complex it gave me. When I decided to drop to BComm I was told that I was merely changing as both courses are just as good. Well it sure didn't feel like that today. Firstly they hadn't printed enough curriculum forms for BComm so we had to wait extra long when all the BBusSci people got rushed ahead. Then in the second queue there was only one person to sign our forms but there were four to sign their's, so again they moved further than this. I took three hours to finally walk out to my car, not to mention the hour early I got there so I didn't have to queue, what a joke.
I did however get one thing out of today, I found a new white horse/unicorn whatever you want to call them. I havn't yet thought of a nickname but, good news, he has an open facebook profile. May the stalking begin!!

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Avatar Review

Without a doubt James Cameron deserves the Oscar for Avatar. This is not for the actual storyline, which is reminiscent of Pocahontas and more recently The Last Samurai. He deserves it for the creation of Pandora. The effort and imagination of creating another world and another time can only be beaten by J.R.R. Tolkien's creation in The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings.
The use of the old classic story of one culture invading another helps to make you feel familiar in this very strange world. The emotions are channelled towards the natives by showing them as the more compassionate race in their desire to be one with nature. What some may deem as primitive they feel is more enlightened. This makes us as humans question who we are and what we are becoming. A thought which is also provoked in Avatar's main Oscar competition District 9. It will not however stand a chance against the power of James Cameron's Pandora. The concept that allowed this movie to be created was sci-fi but other than that it is purely a human interest story and that is what makes it so universally accepted.