Saturday, January 30, 2010

Avatar Review

Without a doubt James Cameron deserves the Oscar for Avatar. This is not for the actual storyline, which is reminiscent of Pocahontas and more recently The Last Samurai. He deserves it for the creation of Pandora. The effort and imagination of creating another world and another time can only be beaten by J.R.R. Tolkien's creation in The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings.
The use of the old classic story of one culture invading another helps to make you feel familiar in this very strange world. The emotions are channelled towards the natives by showing them as the more compassionate race in their desire to be one with nature. What some may deem as primitive they feel is more enlightened. This makes us as humans question who we are and what we are becoming. A thought which is also provoked in Avatar's main Oscar competition District 9. It will not however stand a chance against the power of James Cameron's Pandora. The concept that allowed this movie to be created was sci-fi but other than that it is purely a human interest story and that is what makes it so universally accepted.