Monday, February 1, 2010


Registration has got to be the biggest nightmare in the entire world. It takes three hours to stand in three different queues for two people to sign the same piece of paper and then someone to plug the information into the computer. Sometimes I really wish I had gone to Stellenbosch if not just for the better admin. I'm just waiting for someone to screwed it up, that will just make my day!
The main problem though is the complete inferiority complex it gave me. When I decided to drop to BComm I was told that I was merely changing as both courses are just as good. Well it sure didn't feel like that today. Firstly they hadn't printed enough curriculum forms for BComm so we had to wait extra long when all the BBusSci people got rushed ahead. Then in the second queue there was only one person to sign our forms but there were four to sign their's, so again they moved further than this. I took three hours to finally walk out to my car, not to mention the hour early I got there so I didn't have to queue, what a joke.
I did however get one thing out of today, I found a new white horse/unicorn whatever you want to call them. I havn't yet thought of a nickname but, good news, he has an open facebook profile. May the stalking begin!!

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